Retiring to the Philippines

Submit an Article

Retiring to the Philippines is looking for original articles between 600-1,300 words to complement its in-house writers. We accept both positive and negative opinions of living in the Philippines as an expat, but we do not accept articles that indulge in gratuitous Philippines or Filipino, bashing.

General Guidelines

1. Understand the type of writing we publish. Browse through our recent posts and also our about page to get a feeling for our general viewpoint.

2. Avoid submitting an article that is too similar to one we already published. Use the search engine on the right sidebar towards the bottom to check what has already been written on your topic.

3. You grant us a perpetual license to your submission while you retain the original copyright. We may also distribute your article in email newsletters, social media, or other compilations (see submission agreement below).

4. Articles can not be taken down. We can not honor requests to remove an article after it has been published.


Can I later publish my submission on other sites?

Yes, as long as you link back to the original that is published here. This is so Google doesn’t think we’re stealing content from other sources.

Can I submit an article that has been published elsewhere?

No, we only accept original writing.

Can I use this article as a way to promote my other work?

You can use the biographical box to link to your blog, Twitter, or Facebook. You are also allowed one contextual link within the article itself to relevant external articles and blog posts on sites you own (but not sales, services, product, or squeeze pages). If you are in need of more self-promotion or referral traffic, consider a sponsored post.

Can I submit an idea to you first?

We accept either final draft submissions or the first paragraph of an article you intend to write. If we like your first paragraph submission, we’ll ask for the entire article before giving final approval. We don’t accept ideas.

Do I get paid for my submission?

No, only our weekly columnists receive compensation for their writing.

Can I become a weekly columnist writer?

We will consider you for a columnist position if we publish four of your articles that were of consistent quality. This job is only for those who can write at least one new article a week. Email the editor after four of your submissions have been published.

Can I write under an anonymous name?

Yes, you can write under a pen name, but you must include both a first and last name. We no longer accept submissions from nicknames like AsianLover99 or Retiree56. Your pen name must sound normal.

If you are interested in writing for Retiring to the Philippines, please contact us via the contact page.

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