When many think of an expat in the Philippines, they most often think of a Western guy lounging on the beach with a frosty, chilled tropical drink in his hand. Did you know that the Asian Indians were among the first foreigners to settle in the Philippines for the purpose of doing business? The first Indians arrived in the Philippines for commercial purposes many centuries ago! To this very day, the very large Indian-Filipino community, all over the Philippines, greatly contributes to the country’s robust economy.
While the Philippines and the vibrant Filipino Culture is among my first love, I also admire Indians and some aspects of their culture, as both are ever present not only in my area of the Philippines but in the entire country!
Diwali Festival
In Bacolod City, November 3-5 was officially recognized as the celebration of the Indian Diwali Festival, aka The Festival of Lights. Diwali is not an official holiday in the Philippines but it is in a number of different Asian countries, outside India. The Diwali Festival in Bacolod City is actually a pretty big affair! There is a chapter of the Indian Chamber of the Philippines in Bacolod City and there is also a Hindu Temple in the City of Smiles!
During the Diwali Festival in Bacolod City, several Indian businessmen were recognized for their outstanding contributions to Bacolod City and in Negros Occidental. One of the awarded Indian businessmen first arrived in the Philippines in 1940 and he has been here ever since! One of the other officially recognized Indian businessmen first arrived in the Philippines in 1953 and his business products include Timex, Gucci, Hanes and Van Heusen. Yet another honored Indian businessman was actually born in Silay City, Negros Occidental, and he has opened a retail store in almost every city and town in Negros Occidental! I must say that this is a very special accomplishment!
The Philippine Dream
The Philippines continue being a county where a foreigner can move here and pursue their dream of being successful in business. This is the Philippine Dream! Along side Indians, Chinese also discovered the Philippine Dream centuries ago. Some of the richest people in the Philippines today are Chinese-Filipinos, who proudly refer to themselves as “Chinoy.” Not only foreigners from other Asian countries decided to follow that dream but there are thousands of other foreigners from all over the globe who have arrived in the Philippines and became very successful in business!
Many expats are looking forward to the Philippine Dream, which entails their retiring here and not being concerned about business or making money! They are set to just kick back and have fun the rest of the days of their lives! There is certainly nothing wrong with that. This is also part of the great Philippine Dream.
Whether you are following that dream to doing business or following that dream to a laid back retirement lifestyle, the Philippines is one of the top destinations around the round world, leading people to a place where that dream becomes reality!
I live in Sydney Australia , I work for Qantas catering. Qantas is outsourcing most of there subsidiaries. With my redundancy I have a choice of having to look for another job which isn’t easy when your in your 50’s . My wife and I have property in the Philippines so I have decided to retire early and take a early retirement . Luv it !!