How do you meet a fabulous lady in the Philippines? If I had P1 for every time I have been asked that question, I would have a nice little nest egg in savings to last me for some time!
I remember back in the 1980s, the best way to find a lady living in the Philippines was to join Cherry Blossoms Introductions in Hawaii and become a member. You were then sent a list of photos and addresses of interested Filipinas for you to begin writing. That was before the computer age making it easier to find an Asian woman a and it was slow going in corresponding with ladies in the Philippines. No email back then, only airmail! I am not promoting Cherry Blossoms but it is still around today, only now with a large website and a data base of more than 75,000 Filipinas. There are also hundreds, if not thousands, of similar Filipina online dating sites today. However, Cherry Blossoms has been around for about 30 years or longer and I still hear Filipinas talk about them in conversation, as almost everyone knows someone who met a foreigner there.
To Join Or Not to Join?
Personally, I think as long as the guy has an open mind and knows the pitfalls of participating in an online Filipina dating site, they will be just fine. It is actually a good idea if you have never met a Filipina, chatting online is a good start, as you can experience the attitudes and characters of many of the local ladies.
Beware and Be aware! There are many scammers on all these dating sites and it is actually a very lucrative business for some of the real pros! They chat with 10 or more foreign men and each one of them are sending her money and gifts every month. Some of the woman are married with children and they haven’t any intentions of meeting a foreigner in person to develop a relationship. Please keep in mind that for one to be scammed on these dating sites, they must be a willing participant. If you send money to people you never actually met and to those you do not really know well, this is very risky behavior. Some expats think that by sending money, they are buying a partner but it does not work that way. Whoever arrives in the Philippines first and is most impressive in person usually wins the heart of the woman. After all, it is common for a lady in the Philippines to have many different foreigners who she chats with on a regular basis, which is often everyday. The Filipina is not actually scamming the guys but remember this, as I emphasize once more, the first guy who actually comes to the Philippines to meet her in person, often wins her heart!
The Best Way To Meet A Fabulous Woman
Hands down, the best way to meet a lovely woman in the Philippines is to be here live and in person. Go out often and do not be afraid to talk to ladies who seem interested in you. Some expats have very high standards and if the lady does not reach his bar, he does not waste his time carrying on a conversation. A big mistake in my opinion. I am not advising to lead any woman on and in fact, this can be hazardous to your health here in the Philippines but dating here is not the same as marriage. I have known a number of expats over the years who married very beautiful women in the Philippines, and had a quick marriage only to have the marriage became a living hell! Once getting to really know their wife, the midnight confessions reveal a nightmare!
Most guys want to marry a beautiful lady but once you get to know her, she may not be beautiful on the inside as well. As love develops between two people, the attraction and outward appearance often becomes more beautiful than on first glance! Love grows beauty and handsomeness.
I have touched on dating bar girls before. Yes, most are fun to be around. I am not referring to prostitutes but women who work in bars, often dancing for the entertainment of men. There are two kind of bar girls in the Philippines. There is the life style bar girl and the situational bar girl. One is a pro, a hustler and always will be, while the other is only working in the bar because it is a job and much needed money to help support her parents and siblings. If given another option and a much better option, she not only leaves the bar but the bar leaves her..forever!
I am a very faithful guy to my wife. When I go out shopping alone or to different places around the city for personal business, it almost never fails that an attractive local lady strikes up a conversation with me. If I were a single guy, I would ratchet up the conversation and have a lunch, dinner or movie date in no time! Just like anywhere else in the world. Church is another excellent place to meet a lovely lady.
Yes, I am a happily married guy to a very wonderful Filipina wife, whose beauty is unmatched in the 7,000 islands of the Philippines. Inside and outside. Other guys may disagree but their opinion does not mean squat to me! I am fabulously happy everyday in my life, with my wife, and our lovely son.
If you are single and retired to the Philippines, as long as you are a good guy with manners, meeting a lovely local lady for dating will not be a problem. Chances are, the relationship will bloom and you will finally find your lifetime partner in the Islands of Paradise!
Funny reading your post Gary. I kept hearing the voice of De Niro in ‘Taxi Driver’…
Steve, not really, lolz, but after reading my article…
It seems I have been kinda bombarded lately about how an expat can meet a lady here in the Philippines, for dating and seeing how things go. I was single in the Philippines before 2003 and Filipino friends and acquaintances were helpful with introducing me to some respectable, single local ladies.
There was also a cool Filipina chat site from the Philippines back in the day but it no longer exists. There were not any private chats, so many ladies would jump right in the conversation, all at once. It was fun chatting with so many lovely ladies. No, I didn’t meet my wife on a chat site, lol, or even in the Philippines for that matter. On any given Sunday in Hong Kong, you will see about 200,000 professional and domestic workers who are Filipinas and I was employed in that area. Before I met my wife, I was invited to lunch a number of times by a group of Filipinas, just on a chance meeting while shopping or sightseeing. To Jollibee in Hong Kong, of course. No, I didn’t have to buy all their lunches.
Have a great day!
~ Gary ~
I just happened to meet a filipina girl on a site. we chatted countless nights for more than a year. When I was able to visit her in Tacloban, it was amazing. We had much fun. She introduced me to many lifestyle differences between us. She is a province girl (McArhtur, Leyte) So we visited her family and I loved every minute. To date, it is the best experience in my life. Even given the fact, a few months after I returned home, she is no longer talking to me…. Filipina women are just as difficult to understand as any other woman…
I think the impossibility of figuring out women is universal, Daniel…the enigmas just seem as attractive in the PI as they are baffling.
Hi Daniel,
Did the Filipina from Leyte give you a reason as to why she doesn’t want to talk to you any longer?
~ Gary ~
many years ago (in the 1970”s)
i met the guy who started cherry blossoms..he lived in a cabin in very remote part eastern washington state usa and did all of it thru mail… when he wasnt taking care of rabbits or the garden or chasing black bears outta his yard he opened his mail and out came these checks!! it was like magic… he later moved to hawaii and most likely has passed on .. his big break came way back when national news interviewed him… mail order brides were a relatively new thing back them…. what a small world it is…
Thank you Scott and Ron for your comments. I remember the owner of Cherry Blossoms living in Hawaii years ago and remember his ads in the tabloids but I forget his name. The best I recall, he was a retired Psychologist way back in the 1980s.
In the 80s and 90s, American serial killer, Jack Reeves, used Cherry Blossoms to attract a wife from the Philippines. He killed 4 wives before it was finally revealed what he was doing!
Have a great day!
~ Gary ~
I met my two wifes via Cherry Blossoms. Starting in 1985. Once they come to USA all bets are off ! The most letters, I received were from the PH I should of married a PH from the beginning.
Now I am ready to retire, I will go the PH to marry a great girl form Bacolod City.
This will be the final act for me !!