To meet Filipinas online is not difficult, but you have to follow a few simple rules if you want to be successful.
Welcome to the world of dating Pinays, some of the most beautiful and caring women on the planet. I’ve been married to a Filipina for 2 years now and life has never been better. In fact, several of my friends have decided to come to the Philippines in search of their own Filipina girlfriend within a few months of meeting her when I took her home to meet the family.
I’ve tried to taper their enthusiasm with a healthy dose of caution – not every woman here is the same as my wife! There are good and bad girls in The Philippines, just like anywhere.
Thinking about how to best advise them and answer their questions about how to meet a Filipina got me wondering – why don’t I just write an article explaining the top points of what I’ve learned after 10 years of dating in Asia?
So, that’s exactly what I did. Here are 5 tips to give you the greatest chances of success when dating Filipinas online.
Meet Filipinas Online – 5 Crucial Tips
1. Take Your Time
This might be stating the obvious, but you’d be surprised how many men sign up for a dating website to meet Filipinas online, who ticks all their boxes, and dives right in without a thought for the morrow.
Love is love, and when it strikes there’s very little you can do. One thing you can do, however, is let time do what it does best and give you some perspective.
The reason for taking your time are twofold.
First, those crazy brain chemicals that have you all over the place, eager with anticipation to fly directly to the Philippines and meet your new lady friend will calm down and level out and think about things clearly.
Second, you need at least 6 months to get to know someone well. I think this rule applies to dating anyone, anywhere.
The rules of online dating are the same as the rules of dating in the real world. Remember the old saying when dating Filipinas online – ‘Wise men say, Only fools rush in!’
2. Be Realistic
If you’re 58, have a pot belly and a few missing teeth, albeit with more than a smattering of charm, recognize the warning signs when a 19-year-old model caliber lady is interested in you. You must be honest with yourself and honest with the woman you will talk with while trying to meet Filipinas online.
Sorry to take away your ego enhancer, but if you go down this rabbit hole you’re entering a world of hurt. Why is she interested in you when she could easily take her pick of younger men who know the name of Bieber’s latest hit song? You’ve got to be aware that there are lots of very poor, very desperate girls in this country who will do almost anything to survive, including rinse a sucker like you.
Let me be clear: NOT ALL FILIPINA GIRLS ARE LIKE THIS – FAR FROM IT! I’m not being a racist, a misogynist or a prick for saying it. It’s a sad fact of life and I’ve known guys who have been taken to the cleaners in a haze of love and emotion. I don’t want the same happening to you in your quest to meet Filipina girls.
Set realistic expectations for yourself and always ask ‘What’s in this for her?’ Understanding her intentions is a key part of successfully dating.
3. Look at Her Profile History
Before I settled down and got married I admit I to was interested in finding out how to meet Filipinas online. During this period of my life, I learned to spot the girls who lingered for a little too long on those sites, and I began to learn that this meant one of two things: she is a serial dater or she has problems and moves from one guy to the next rapidly.
This is another reason for taking your time and getting to know both the site you are using and any ladies you talk to on there.
Be especially aware of ‘Off-On’ profiles. These are ladies who repeatedly delete and reopen their dating profiles. This should ring alarm bells in your head and cause you to ask yourself ‘What’s she up to?’
3. Meet Her in the Philippines
When you do find a fantastic woman who you really could fall for (oh, you will, believe me), at some stage, you will need to meet her to move things forward.
Start with video chats on Skype. This is much better than texting when it comes to getting to meet Filipinas online.
Eventually, however, you’ll want to meet face to face. Coming to the Philippines is a great idea in and of itself. This is one of the most beautiful countries you’ll ever visit, and coming to meet a love interest is just the icing on the cake.
Meeting your lady friend in the Philippines is also a good idea because it will allow you a great insight into her, who she is, and her culture. There are actually many different cultures within the Philippines, so getting to know her city, her island, family and individual quirks is best done here in her home country.
Besides, you coming to the Philippines is much easier with regards visas, travel costs, and other associated factors.
You’ll be glad you did, whether you decide to move things forward or not!
5. Give Her the Benefit of the Doubt
Dating Filipinas online is no different to dating any woman from a totally different culture. You’re going to have misunderstandings and assign meaning to things where there is none. This can lead to communication problems and a breakdown of the relationship.
Always give her the benefit of the doubt and try to see the best in these situations. What you think her actions mean could be totally different in reality.
Of course, there are blatant warning signs (such as asking you to send large sums of cash to her), but there are lots of little cultural mannerisms, expectations, and norms which it would be a shame to let get in the way of a burgeoning relationship.
The best way to deal with these is to seek to understand. If something doesn’t seem right to you or has you scratching your head, try talking to your love interest and asking her about it.
Opening direct lines of communication and seeking to understand one another can only help you decide whether you’re right for each other or not. This is especially true in cross-cultural relationships.
Meet Filipinas Online Summary
If you meet the right Filipina online you’re in for what could be the most rewarding relationship of your life. I’ve never met a woman as caring, attentive and genuinely happy as my wife, and I would love everyone to find the same in their partner.
Remembering the 5 tips above will set you on the right track and let you go in with your eyes open.
Best of luck in your quest to meet Filipinas online!
I have been married to mine for 13 years. It’s been the best 13 Years of my life. No we did not met on line. We met while working in Kuwait. We were married here, then a couple of years ago we were remarried in the states. As for age, we are only 10 years apart. But like he said above, you MUST go to her place and learn what it’s like. I also took her to the US to met all my family & friends. I really believe this is a MUST.
Thanks for your time
Robert Q8
Hi Robert, , my time has come to make a decision, my lady is the same age as me 68 and owns her own home, and lives comfortably with out my income. I’m going over again in October for two weeks when we will talk about me coming over on a permanent basis, I’ve no home to sell in the uk just a car and a couple of motorcycles , family I’m leaving behind is one Daughter and a sister. I’m just worried is life over there going to be easy for me to adjust too, you having more experience than me. She has asked me to come over and said she needs me there which is positive . Chris
Nothing in life is sure. If you fail at least you tried. Go. Don’t look back. If you encounter new and unusual things then it is an adventure. Love, live and encounter. Sometimes a sure thing is worse than death itself. You will rot in your own juices. There is always a tomorrow and it can be better or worse than today. But this I promise, it will be different.
When I made the decision to ignore my ignorant friends and marry my Filipina wife 16 years ago, I broke the bonds that made me unhappy and freed myself from the chains that locked me into a lonely life amongst people who really didn’t give a rats a-hole whether I dropped dead tomorrow or not. My only regret is that I didn’t do it 20 or 30 years ago. My god, what a great life I would have had. As it is, I still have a few years left. I intend to retire in 2 years time and live them with the love of my life until I kick it.
If you decide on sanity and happiness then I will see you on the warm tropical beach. I’ll be the one with a cute chick and the San Miguel in my hand. I’ll also have that smug, I know a secret, smile on my ugly, weather-beaten face. lol. Yuk, yuk, yuk
Also, please remember, Filipinos in general, are more familiar with American / Australian / UK language and culture than we are with theirs. They grew up learning English in school, watch English / American TV and movies, have almost always listened to American music, and might even have foreigner friends living there. And they certainly have friends and/or family that have worked abroad, sometimes for many, many years. They have an insight into our culture that we would love to have into theirs.
If a fillipina woman says she is in love after only chatting and a 10 minute video call on Skype, should I take this as a blatant red flag? My intuition says that I should as I can’t see how someone can fall in love without meeting in person. Also this was told to me not long after first chatting with her. She hasn’t asked for money, but her scam could be to just find a guy to pay for a visa to Australia for a better life as she is poor and has a son to look after. It may sound brutal what I am saying, but life is brutal sometimes and people use people any way they can to get what they want. She may be planning to promise me a life of love and happiness until death do us part, get her visa and take off. She is 30, I’m 42. I have no money. I’m just a student nurse.
Not necessarily a red flag but a huge Caution sign. Go slowly. Id tell her No More I’m in love until much, much later.
Where is she from?
Hi, Thankyou so much for your reply. I have told her exactly that. To take things slowly and to think about love later. She keeps sending messages about being in love and how much she misses me and kisses. It’s really over the top and tonight I am going to have to tell her that this is crazy. I feel very apprehensive about taking this forward and quite freaked out and overwhelmed. It’s complete nonsense to say you are in love with someone when you have not met them.
She is working in Makati (Manila) and grew up Laoag, Illocos Norte.
You need to move on what I did 9 yrs ago married now 8. Now listen the women you meet. If she has to go to the internet cafe to talk to u good sign. Especially its at a certain time, means she has a job a good sign. You know thier is a 13 hr difference in time. So figure it out should she be sleeping? My wife had to make a choice to talk to me or eat. Cause she took jeep 5 pesos internet was 20 pesos hour. Before I left I send her 500 dollars to meet me motel room. The final test she at the airport with her cousin. She did everything exactly now she handles all the financial pays all the bills. This my friend is a very rare with filipina none I know are good with money.
Hello Friend my experience in this is recent.. was a very attractive woman. I can only tell you what I did was I told the woman Elen that she will have to be responsible for all the local costs. That when she has the Visa and passport completed I will send the plane fare. That’s my advise if you find a good one.
Mine however turned out to be scamming me. On the day she was to fly our she texted my on google hangouts that she needed me to send $600 dollars right away for taxi and luggage costs… I told her this would be under the local cost we had agreed on. Just before that she sent some a phony document that I researched as a scam doc. saying that all flyers will with out a doubt have to have 3-5k on themselves for in case of emergency.. she also wanted me to pay this. Ha surprisingly as friend loaned her the 3k lol.
Hay years ago I did the samething with a Russian woman something send money I can do all the paperwork work $2800 I got scam seem thing send more money so can board the plane. Fine a Filipino women chance are alot better. My wife told me before I went to work she said you are all I have. This is at 9 yrs.
She may be for real. It isn’t out of the norm for them to be overly friendly like saying I love you. But watch out if they want any money.
I have met a beautiful Filipina woman who has fallen for me and I have fallen for her. She has a 18 years old son that still lives with her and she takes care of him and herself. She never asks for money and in fact she says she wants to stand on her own which she has done for 15 years when her husband ran out on her and left her with a baby. She warms my heart when we speak on Skype every day. Sometimes twice a day. She works as a maid and works very hard for little money and after she works all day she hand-washes clothes to make enough money to go to the cyber cafe and talk to me late every night her time and early in the morning. I live in another country not in the Philippines. Is this a scam or love..I will go over to see her in June to propose to her in person..does this sound like she is scamming me then?
Larry – Thanks for posting your story. It’s a very common story and one I’ve heard quite a few times.
The truth is that nobody can tell you for sure if it’s a scam or not. Every response you get will be colored by the authors own personal opinion and experiences of living over here. I include myself in that observation too.
All I would say is that you need to be calm and logical about things. Don’t let your emotions take over your decision making and end up regretting it. By the same token, don’t be so suspicious that you turn her away and end up missing out.
Coming over here is good idea and one I would certainly recommend. Make sure you meet her family and maybe even friends. See what kind of impression you get from all of them. Just take it slow and see how it goes. I’d avoid sending any money but that doesn’t seem like an issue. The whole ‘I don’t want your money’, could be a ruse, so be careful of that too.
Not quite the advice you were looking for I’m sure, but it’s the best I’ve got.
Take care and good luck.
XA good sign when they have to to Internet cafe to talk. Later my wife told me she had to chose between eating or talking to me. Married 10 years this December.
Larry, be careful as there is no divorce in the Phils. They also have laws here concerning bigamy, which is prison time for her, or even worse, you having an intimate relationship with someones wife. Be very careful.
This is an addition to my recent post. I sent money to her recently without her asking because she was very sick and her son had pneumonia and she needed medicine, and X-Ray and to see a doctor which she could not afford. I hope that it is not considered a scam then.
Larry – The ‘sick relative or child’ is a common scam, unfortunately. The problem with it is — and the reason why it works so well — is it could be true. You would never really know for sure so in the end, it has to be a judgment call on your part.
If it were me I’d bail now but you may be made of stronger stuff.
Good luck!
PS: It reminds me of a date I had once over here. It was our first date and we just had coffee. It was OK, but I knew I wasn’t interested in taking it further. I’d only just got home when the texts started coming. She couldn’t pay for her kids schooling… in Dubai!!! and would I pay for them.
At least she didn’t waste too much of both our time with pussy footing around. I figured she knew she was on to a losing proposition so figured why not give it a go. The worst I could do was text her back, call her a few choice names and then delete her number. Which is what I did.
Any comments about getting a pre-nup agreement done?
I have been married 25 years to the same Filipina. Personally, if I needed a pre-nup I wouldn’t have consider her in the first place. Why? One either knows whether she is the real deal or not. Plus it isn’t like we are Bill Gates, right?
However, having said all of the above if you feel better having a pre-nup get one.